7 common skincare myths; or are they true!?

I have Greek parents and so I quite like Greek mythology and whilst I can’t tell you whether Zeus really did have the power to throw lightening bolts, what I can do is debunk some common skincare myths!

There are lots of different pieces of information that float around in the skincare world and sometimes it’s hard to know what has some truth to it and what is straight up false information.

I am here, Alexa - Greek goddess of skincare (I wish) to tell you about the most common skincare myths. I’ve also included a couple of truths that are sometimes considered myths…

So let’s play skincare myth or truth..

#1 More expensive skincare works better - MYTH

The cost of a skincare product does not directly tell you how effective it will be. In some cases certain ingredients need to be formulated properly in order to work effectively so that cost does add up. However, for other basic products in your skincare routine, for example a moisturizer - you are usually paying more for the cute packaging and brand name. Instead look at the ingredients, affordable skincare products still contain effective ingredients.

#2 Oily skin doesn’t need a moisturizer - MYTH

I can see why people may believe this. But no, this is a myth. If you believed this and actually didn’t moisturize, it would actually make your skin oilier. How you ask? If you don’t moisturize, your skin can become dehydrated and it will compensate by producing more oil which can then produce more breakouts and you end up in a vicious cycle. All skin types need moisturizing, that’s what helps our skin barrier.

#3 You need to wear SPF every day - TRUTH

This is in fact very true. As the Queen of SPF the myth of ‘only wearing SPF when it’s sunny’ is just a flat out myth - the biggest myth of them all! The sun is always out guys, it can penetrate through the clouds and even through windows. Even in the winter the sun is out so what makes you think you wouldn’t need to be protected? Wear SPF all year around guys, 365 days, come rain or shine - please and thank you - SPF is so important!

#4 Toothpaste works for spots - MYTH

I can’t even tell you where this piece of ‘advice’ came from but once upon a time I think I tried it. Maybe when I was 13 when the internet was dial up and I didn’t know better or how to research. This is a myth, it does not work. The fluoride within the toothpaste doesn’t have any anti-bacterial properties, the composition of toothpaste can actually end up drying out your skin and irritating it. Use a BHA like Salicylic acid instead and leave the toothpaste for your teeth!

#5 If it stings it means it’s working - MYTH

Now I see why you would think this, you might think it’s the ingredients working and that may be the case if it’s slightly tingling - especially with exfoliating acids. However, if the product is causing you major burning or stinging, it’s a sign to discontinue use to avoid any further irritation! Products don’t have to create any kind of feeling on your skin in order for it to be effective.

#6 Our skin starts ageing in our 20s - TRUTH

I can feel your heart breaking as you read this, I feel you. By the time we’re 25 our collagen levels start to decrease. You’re not going to look 85 when you’re in your 20s but the younger you are when you start to incorporate anti-aging products the better! Retinol will be your bestie. As we know, life can be short sometimes so it is a privilege to age but there’s nothing wrong with looking 28 when you’re 35!

#7 You can shrink your pores - MYTH

I personally would love this one to be true, I really would. I feel like my pores are one of my constant skin concerns that I try to tackle, so if there was a way I’d be doing it! However it’s not entirely possible, we can reduce their appearance temporarily (if good skincare habits are maintained) but we can’t shrink them long term. Tightening up our pores to look smaller requires daily maintenance!

Skincare myths and truths conclusion

As there’s a lot of information about skincare pretty much everywhere, it’s good to always do a bit of research into ‘facts’ because they could actually be a myth! The ones I have mentioned above are quite common but not everyone may be familiar with them so I hope it helps and you can always contact me via my contact page if you come across a skincare ‘fact’ you’re not sure on, I’ll be more than happy to help!

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